Organic? It’s a given. Ditto nettles, oak bark, manure, toss in some beneficial bugs and sunshine. 

What sets us apart, however, is less in the way we adhere to common industry standards, and more in the way we adhere to our own. Yesterday’s cultivation methods were highly unregulated, which means that in many cases, anything goes is standard practice. That’s a difficult reality for clients such as distributors, retailers and manufacturers of branded retail products who depend on consistency in both product quality and product availability. So we’ve gone ahead and taken the liberty of creating some internal regulations of our own in an effort to ensure that only the most brilliant product goes out our doors—and into yours. 

Our cultivation process varies based on whether we’re farming outdoors or utilizing cutting edge protocols for our greenhouse methods, but both are closely monitored, adjusted for and optimized on a daily basis throughout. With our greenhouse methods, we’re meticulous when it comes to managing external factors such as humidity, and for both we’ve developed a distinct process for harvesting at just the right phase in the growth cycle to maximize optimal levels. In our 2,500 square foot facility, we’re able to account for many of these factors through the use of technology, allowing us to automate and control heating, cooling, and our humidity levels at all times. Control the environment, and you can control the outcome.

But don't knock our sungrown flowers just because they are not treated like the greenhouse girls. These ladies prefer the full-season environment in our Anderson Valley garden and they excel in the native soil with a gentle breeze and some late evening shade from the oak tree. 

[Read transcript of above video by clicking here]

From a genetics perspective, we also strive to optimize for factors not normally controlled or considered, such as THC-V levels, which are proven to reduce movement disorder related symptoms such as hand and face tremors, associated with diseases such as Parkinson’s, along with ailments associated with motor control. THC-V could be described as the unicorn of the cannabinoids. It reduces or even blocks panic attacks, but not suppress emotions, only the ability to panic, like the Fight or Flight response. And it is an effective appetite suppressant. Come on. Can you imagine if the diet industry knew this little secret? Shhh, don't tell. 

Most people focus only on the the overall THC potency, but we also think about how THC can be absorbed and what compounds are needed to facilitate that function.

Following harvest, all crops are then rigorously lab tested for R&D purposes by an objective third party to ensure impartiality and equitableness in our reporting. Metrics such as THC and CBD percentages are measured, as well as cannabinoid profiling, pesticide and microbiological screening and terpene analysis. This doesn’t just serve as a useful peace-of-mind measure for our clients, but also helps us continue to refine our own farming processes to a meticulous science. This is a step we take prior to the product leaving our facility. 

Upon receipt of all lab tests and final approval, we then package and prepare our product, including Grade A, Grade B and Trim, for our partners.

Image courtesy of Ryan McGuire.