Simply Clean Certification: What it is and Why it Matters

Cannabis consumers are increasingly on the hunt for greener cannabis. Similar to the food industry, there’s a growing concern about the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and cultivation practices that take their toll on the environment. However, unlike the food industry, cannabis cannot align itself with the USDA National Organic Program because of federal prohibition. 

While state programs, such as OCal exist, they’re expensive and restricted, and require growers to sell only to certified distributors down the supply chain to maintain the certification. Fortunately, The Cannabis Conservancy and their SIMPLY CLEAN Certified, SIMPLY ECO Certified, and Sun + Earth programs are helping to bridge the gap and make it easier for consumers to purchase sustainable cannabis. 

Why Simply Clean is Simply Better

Established in 2019, the SIMPLY CLEAN Certified Standard is the product of The Cannabis Conservancy. The organization takes a holistic approach to understanding the environmental impacts of cannabis production throughout its life-cycle—from producer to consumer. The certification is unbiased and transparent and positions the cannabis industry at the forefront of global sustainability.

The Certification boes beyond organic cultivation requirements to assess seven pillars of sustainable cultivation:

  1. Policy & Implementation

  2. Land & Infrastructure

  3. Cultivation Practices

  4. Harvesting & Processing

  5. Energy

  6. Water

  7. Waste

Covering these core areas of production and their impact on the environment, some things assessed by the Standard include:

  • Farm planning

  • Worker training and protection

  • Tracking and documentation of all inputs

  • Integrated pest management (IPM practices)

  • Product testing for residue and contaminants

  • Harvest practices

  • Trace-back and recall protocols 

In each area of focus, there’s a clear requirement and listed compliance details. For example, not only does SIMPLY CLEAN Certification mean that only non-GMO, clean inputs and products are used, but it also requires documented evidence of this! At the other end of the supply chain, all cannabis products are tested for pesticide, microbial, metal, and chemical residues—again requiring analysis results for this.

From grower to processor, the supply chain is assessed to ensure that the product is safe, of the highest quality, and sustainably produced. This is why SIMPLY CLEAN Certified stands apart from the rest. 

Greenwashing in Cannabis

Because cannabis is a unique product, standards around sustainability aren’t as well-established as they are for things like food or alcohol. Typically, when a company produces something that’s socially or environmentally superior, there are recognized best practices or standards. These don’t really exist in the cannabis world. 

Without any federally recognized standards, companies can make sustainability claims without anything to back them up. They may claim to use LED lighting or other smart farming practices without really doing so. They may use words like “natural,” “organic,” or “sustainable” with nothing to support those claims.

Third-party standards are the best way to sift between greenwashing claims and truly sustainable cannabis. But they aren’t created equally. 

While there are other certifications like the Clean Green Certification and Organically Grown Cannabis standard, they often don’t consider the full supply chain or have criteria that aren’t as transparent as those of the SIMPLY CLEAN Certification. 

For instance, Clean Green Certified—one of the oldest and easiest to receive—only requires an application regarding cultivation methods and inputs. It doesn’t actually restrict GMOs or certain ingredients. The certification requirements for “organic” and “vegan” cannabis are vague and have specific criteria that aren’t publicly listed. 

While products meeting the Organically Grown Cannabis are assessed using specific standards, it appears to only include metrics about soil fertility, labeling, and residue testing. In addition, the actual criteria checklist for certification are only available by request.

Clean Cannabis for a Clean Conscience

Clean cannabis shouldn’t be confusing. Between difficult-to-find certification criteria, those that don’t fully promote sustainability, or lacking certification altogether, there’s a lot of room for greenwashing in the cannabis industry. 

Fortunately SIMPLY CLEAN Certification exists and makes it easy for cannabis consumers who want to do the right thing. Being certified is one thing that makes Giving Tree Farms unique and SIMPLY CLEAN a third-party verification that is making the industry greener. 

If you’re interested in meeting growing consumer demands for eco-friendly, organic, and environmentally-conscious craft cannabis, set up a wholesale account to see how Giving Tree Farms or Hive Mendocino can meet your needs for truly green, clean cannabis.