cannabis industry

Time is Money

Time is Money

As owners and operators, we know how valuable our time is. We wear a dozen different hats, take responsibility for the outcomes, and find ourselves fully immersed in all things business seven days out of the week. But what separates the overwhelmed from the productive is respecting the time we are given each day. Without planning and scheduling, we hurt our business's efficiency, costing ourselves money in the long run.

Living the Dream: Courtney Bailey

Living the Dream: Courtney Bailey

Now that we’ve survived 2021 — even if barely — we have a new mantra at Giving Tree Farms: squeeze the sh*it out of those lemons. Thriving always has to be an option, so we’re making do with what we’ve got. Our lemonade may not be as sweet, but it’s still able to quench our thirst.

Cannabis Business Valuation: What, How, & Why

Cannabis Business Valuation: What, How, & Why

Fortunately, the world is warming up to medicinal and recreational cannabis. As of October, 2021, recreational cannabis is legal in 19 states, Washington, D.C., and Guam. With this increase in legalization, comes an expansion of cannabis business ventures as well as all of the cannabis compliance and business valuation considerations that come with them.

Why We Use Pots

Why We Use Pots

As cannabis cultivators who have worked in the industry for over a decade, we've tried multiple different growing methods to find what works best for us. We've had to discover where the perfect balance of working with the land and optimal efficiency lies to develop Giving Tree Farms into what it is today. Over the years, we've learned that our desire for optimal control over our environment and the need for multiple cultivation cycles throughout the year was only possible by evolving our approach. From the installation of both our cold-frame and climate-controlled greenhouses to the continuous improvement of our workflow, our personalized approach to sustainable cultivation provides our clients with the highest quality craft cannabis in the state.

Recognizing Leaders

Recognizing Leaders

Natural leaders are all around us, positively impacting our lives and driving us to become better people. It’s these individuals that play an essential societal role in inspiring others, innovating new ideas, and pushing us toward achieving greater things. There are a few characteristics all leaders share, and by recognizing who these people are around us, we can strengthen our own leadership skills and appreciate the value they bring to our everyday lives.

Challenges of Off-Grid Solar & How To Overcome Them

Challenges of Off-Grid Solar & How To Overcome Them

Depending on your individual needs, the desire to switch to an off-grid energy source can come from a multitude of different motivators, but some challenges tag along with this transition that you should be aware of. Many modern farmers are making the switch due to its attractive attributes, like self-reliance, decreased or eliminated electricity bills, and a lessened environmental footprint. If you're considering the change for yourself, we expect sharing our first-time lessons will make your experience a little easier.

Transparency: Why Is It Important to Both the Farmer & Buyer?

Transparency: Why Is It Important to Both the Farmer & Buyer?

When purchasing a product, many feel it's important to know where that product came from and how it was made. It's natural to care about the origin of your purchases because they affect our lives, whether directly, like through consuming food we buy, or indirectly, like how our dollars are applied to the business, its employees, and its production process. We care about transparency because it connects us to the source of what we've purchased. It puts an understanding of creation and highlights the efforts taken to make the product into the finished good we hold in our hands. Craft cannabis is no different, and Giving Tree Farms embraces transparency as one of our core values.

A New Beginning: Our Off-Grid Journey

A New Beginning: Our Off-Grid Journey

We started our solar journey by signing up for Sonoma Clean Power as our source of grid energy. This program guaranteed that all of our energy use was obtained from renewable sources, like solar and wind energy. But where this came up short was during California's rolling blackouts throughout the fire season. As a cannabis cultivator, fire season takes place during our fall cultivation cycle, harvest, and through part of processing, when it's absolutely imperative that we have electricity for irrigation, humidity and temperature controls, and security measures. When we process fresh-frozen harvests, this adds an even more critical need for continuous power. Otherwise, we could lose our entire crop. We knew we needed to take matters into our own hands or possibly face an uncontrollable fate. This thinking was the start of our off-grid solar journey.

Highlighting Our Favorite Cannabis Brands

Highlighting Our Favorite Cannabis Brands

As a wholesale cannabis cultivator, we’re introduced to some exceptional brands throughout the year. Some of them, however, have really stuck with us. Whether it's their sustainable values, their small farmer sourcing, or their drive to make a difference, the following brands have taken "business" a step further.

PRESS RELEASE: Giving Tree Farms’ Orange Hill OG is selected for the Natural Cannabis Company’s 2020 Best of Harvest Box

Giving Tree Farms’ Orange Hill OG is selected for the Natural Cannabis Company’s 2020 Best of Harvest Box.