small business owner

Time is Money

Time is Money

As owners and operators, we know how valuable our time is. We wear a dozen different hats, take responsibility for the outcomes, and find ourselves fully immersed in all things business seven days out of the week. But what separates the overwhelmed from the productive is respecting the time we are given each day. Without planning and scheduling, we hurt our business's efficiency, costing ourselves money in the long run.

Living the Dream: Courtney Bailey

Living the Dream: Courtney Bailey

Now that we’ve survived 2021 — even if barely — we have a new mantra at Giving Tree Farms: squeeze the sh*it out of those lemons. Thriving always has to be an option, so we’re making do with what we’ve got. Our lemonade may not be as sweet, but it’s still able to quench our thirst.

Your Position on the Team - How Staying In Your Lane Improves Business Efficiency

Your Position on the Team - How Staying In Your Lane Improves Business Efficiency

A successful business operation is a well-oiled machine. All of us cogs have a place in the system, and in order to improve business efficiency, we all have to own our roles and trust others on our team to own theirs. But being a small business owner can make this tough. We're used to having our hands in every aspect of the business, so when should we back off and let others handle their sector? When the "lanes" of our organization start to become defined, it's time to retire a few of our hats, and put our confidence in the team that supports us each day.