cannabis cooperative

Choosing Long-Term Partners in a Fluctuating Market

Choosing Long-Term Partners in a Fluctuating Market

The cannabis industry is constantly evolving. Expected to reach $30 billion in annual market value by 2025, the budding industry brings with it some challenges related to cannabis’ legality, marketing, distribution, and keeping up with an ever-changing landscape. So how can we battle unpredictability? It starts with choosing long-term partners in a fluctuating market.

How We Scale & Maintain Quality

How We Scale & Maintain Quality

As cannabis cultivators, it's important that we continue scaling our business to keep up with the demand of a quickly expanding industry. To remain within our strict cultivation standards, we have to maintain quality while we scale, and this is possible through increasing avenues of efficiency and implementing smart-farming techniques.

Vetting Clients for Terms

Vetting Clients for Terms

We know every business is different, each in its unique stage of growth and development. Because of this, we offer payment terms to our approved clients to make purchasing easier and more achievable. In order to provide this service to our buyers, we implement a business credit application that we ask applicable businesses to fill out before payment terms are extended. This process may come with a few questions that we hope to address in this reference article.

The Power of Scale

The Power of Scale

This year has taught us many things so far, both personally and professionally. When the normal day-to-day was flipped upside down and COVID-19 said its hello, our weaknesses were highlighted and our strengths had to be fully utilized. But what these times have also shown us is the power we have when we work together. We now have proven data to display our potential in numbers, pointing to how we can flatten a curve simply by all agreeing to stay inside. But this strength in numbers idea doesn't have to be limited to our 2020 pandemic. Instead, we can rise out of this challenge with wisdom and new knowledge. We can use this opportunity to shape our futures, molding it into the reality we've always wanted to see.

De-Bunking the Mixed-Light Myths

De-Bunking the Mixed-Light Myths

Conflicts of perspective can occur even in the most like-minded communities. When people are passionate about a cause, it’s sometimes easier to put blinders on than to accept facts and data that contradict our worldview. A version of this head-in-the-sand scenario is currently playing out in the California cannabis industry, specifically around the subject of mixed-light grow operations.

A Quick Guide to Forming Your Own Cannabis Cooperative in California: Part 1 of 2

A Quick Guide to Forming Your Own Cannabis Cooperative in California: Part 1 of 2

There are often multiple paths you can take to reach the same outcome. Forming a California cannabis cooperative is no exception. However, I hope I can provide you with information that will make your journey a little easier. Through the process of forming a co-op, I have learned a few lessons along the way. I can safely say that forming this union is one of the best things you can do for your farm, but it can also prove to be one of the most challenging. 

Why You Should Consider Starting/Joining a Cannabis Cooperative

Why You Should Consider Starting/Joining a Cannabis Cooperative

Keeping afloat in the rushing river of legal cannabis can be difficult on your own. That’s why many have begun turning towards cannabis cooperatives to pull their heads above water. There are many benefits of a cooperative. Some even argue it’s the only way for a small farmer to continue competing in this evolving industry. With the large corporate structure we see forming new farms throughout California, the added pressure felt by the small farmer to produce on the same level is increasing. These pressures can be a lot for us farmers to take on by ourselves, but what keeps us going is the argument that our quality is easily the better of the two. We put love into all of the decisions we make, we take time to think about how our choices affect those around us, and our years of experience in the game make us experts compared to most. Typically, you will see a loss in quality as a company scales, but co-ops offer the ability to increase cultivation area while keeping the batches small enough to focus on quality.