What Makes Giving Tree Farms Unique?

What Makes Giving Tree Farms Unique?

Associated with “hippies” and “tree-huggers,” the cannabis industry has a reputation for being green. With the commercialization of cannabis, however, things have started to move in a different direction. While “sustainable cannabis” doesn’t always actually mean sustainable (er, hello greenwashing), we do things a little differently at Giving Tree Farms to ensure that ours truly is. Here’s how we stand out from the crowd in the clean cannabis world.

Living the Dream: Courtney Bailey

Living the Dream: Courtney Bailey

Now that we’ve survived 2021 — even if barely — we have a new mantra at Giving Tree Farms: squeeze the sh*it out of those lemons. Thriving always has to be an option, so we’re making do with what we’ve got. Our lemonade may not be as sweet, but it’s still able to quench our thirst.

Equity Grants - How Local & State Programs Can Help Small Businesses

Equity Grants - How Local & State Programs Can Help Small Businesses

As anyone with a small business knows, staying afloat isn’t always easy. For those with a small-scale cannabis business, navigating the technical world, securing capital, and staying on top of regulatory compliance add even more complexities. Fortunately, equity grants have made life a little easier for some California growers—here’s how.

What Cannabis Can Learn from the Craft Beer Industry

What Cannabis Can Learn from the Craft Beer Industry

Both cannabis and hops have terpenes and terpenoids, but that’s not the only overlap between these two plant-derived worlds. In recent years, similarities—in particular between craft cannabis and craft beer—have become more apparent. So, what can the relatively infantile but similarly regulated craft cannabis industry learn from the older craft beer industry? Let’s take a look.

Pick-Your-Own Pot: A Thing of the Future or Just a Pipe Dream?

Pick-Your-Own Pot: A Thing of the Future or Just a Pipe Dream?

Perfect for autumn family adventures and first dates, pick-your-own produce is one of the few ways ordinary folks are able to connect with farms. Whether berries, pumpkins, apples or potatoes, a pick-your-own operation also helps the farmer pick up on some significant cost savings. Because it takes a bite out of the staggering 30-40% of American-produced food that’s wasted, it’s great for the environment, too. So, then, does pick-your-own have a place in the craft cannabis industry?

Choosing Long-Term Partners in a Fluctuating Market

Choosing Long-Term Partners in a Fluctuating Market

The cannabis industry is constantly evolving. Expected to reach $30 billion in annual market value by 2025, the budding industry brings with it some challenges related to cannabis’ legality, marketing, distribution, and keeping up with an ever-changing landscape. So how can we battle unpredictability? It starts with choosing long-term partners in a fluctuating market.

Cannabis Business Valuation: What, How, & Why

Cannabis Business Valuation: What, How, & Why

Fortunately, the world is warming up to medicinal and recreational cannabis. As of October, 2021, recreational cannabis is legal in 19 states, Washington, D.C., and Guam. With this increase in legalization, comes an expansion of cannabis business ventures as well as all of the cannabis compliance and business valuation considerations that come with them.