transparency in business

Choosing Long-Term Partners in a Fluctuating Market

Choosing Long-Term Partners in a Fluctuating Market

The cannabis industry is constantly evolving. Expected to reach $30 billion in annual market value by 2025, the budding industry brings with it some challenges related to cannabis’ legality, marketing, distribution, and keeping up with an ever-changing landscape. So how can we battle unpredictability? It starts with choosing long-term partners in a fluctuating market.

Cannabis Business Valuation: What, How, & Why

Cannabis Business Valuation: What, How, & Why

Fortunately, the world is warming up to medicinal and recreational cannabis. As of October, 2021, recreational cannabis is legal in 19 states, Washington, D.C., and Guam. With this increase in legalization, comes an expansion of cannabis business ventures as well as all of the cannabis compliance and business valuation considerations that come with them.

Transparency: Why Is It Important to Both the Farmer & Buyer?

Transparency: Why Is It Important to Both the Farmer & Buyer?

When purchasing a product, many feel it's important to know where that product came from and how it was made. It's natural to care about the origin of your purchases because they affect our lives, whether directly, like through consuming food we buy, or indirectly, like how our dollars are applied to the business, its employees, and its production process. We care about transparency because it connects us to the source of what we've purchased. It puts an understanding of creation and highlights the efforts taken to make the product into the finished good we hold in our hands. Craft cannabis is no different, and Giving Tree Farms embraces transparency as one of our core values.